
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Inspiri Inspired

I've been making bath and body products for just over two years now.  Yet, I feel after the last 48 hours, I've had a major change.  What happened, you may ask.  I'm attending the HSGC (Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild) conference in Raleigh, NC.  I've met so many amazing soapers, including some of my soapy idols.  Soap-alebrities, if you will.

On Friday, there were some really amazing seminars that I got to witness, including how to make natural shampoo, making a peacock swirl (I'll talk about my experimenting with this at another time), as well as  how to make milk soap (which I am planning on trying, I've already got a recipe and fragrance in mind).   Today has been equally as awesome.  This morning, we got to learn about the chemistry of soap, by Kevin Dunn, a professor of chemistry at Hampdon Sydney College as well as learning most about natural and synthetic fragrances (there are definite advantages to both!).  This afternoon, I had the pleasure of sitting in on a class by Ruth Esteves on making soap cupcakes and I have new techniques I can't wait to try.  Plus, a coloring class (you all know how much I love color).  So many ideas! I'm completely blown away by the talent of the people that are not only presenting but so many of the attendees and their knowledge, experience, and creativity.

After being here, I am truly motivated to work harder to bring better products to you.  Not only that, I'm reinvigorated about why I started making these products in the first place.  Because I love them.  Not the well-I-like-this-and-it's-fun kind of love.  But a passionate, honest to goodness, desire to make and bring fantastic, beautiful soap and other products to the world.  I may not be the biggest, and I never expect to be. But I want to do what I can.  I love soap.  I love the colors and the scents.  I love the way it feels and how it doesn't leave my skin feeling dried and taxed.  I love making it and the chemistry that goes into it.  I. LOVE. SOAP.

So if you start seeing more from me, you know it's because of this conference.  I can't wait to get back home to the soap kitchen for experimenting, creating, and crafting.

Stay Inspired!