of you have probably heard of essential oils. These are derived
directly from a plant/herb/fruit etc. So when you smell lavender
essential oil, it is coming directly from a lavender plant (well,
probably many lavender plants). Fragrance oils are usually created in a
lab and can cover almost any scent you want.
my regular customers may know, I don't have a ton of products with
essential oils. Being that they are natural, they do have some things
that need to be considered. For example, did you know that there are
certain essential oils you shouldn't use during pregnancy or if you have
high blood pressure? Others are photo-synthesizers so they can make you
burn quicker if you have them on your skin if you go out into the sun.
It's for these reasons that I have been slowly working them into my
line. You can expect to see a lot more being used in the next year. However, I do have a few favorite essential oils that I want to
tell you about.
Lavender - This is a very common oil. The reason I love this is for its
calming properties. Add a few drops to your bath water for a wonderful
way to wind down after a rough day
Orange - This is another favorite of mine. It has energizing properties and is
awesome when you need a pick me up in the morning. I am actually
formulating a soap that mixes orange and my next favorite oil
Rosemary - Such an awesome essential oil, but it must be used sparingly. Not only
is it energizing, its great for soothing nasal passages. Think Vick's Vapo products. Another that I like that's a bit similar is eucalyptus.
and Spearmint - These two are technically different but I like to group
them together since they are both in the mint family. Peppermint and
spearmint both have cooling properties which is why we use peppermint in
out foot products. Spearmint is a little sweeter but still great, I
especially love it in lip balm. We use it in small quantities and
leaves just the coolest tingle on your lips.
As I continue to experiment more, I am sure that my list of favorites will
grow and I can't wait to test more. There's a bottle of basil essential
oil that I cant wait to test out!
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