
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Life Sometimes Gets in the Way

I was looking up some blogs today and realized it had been a while since I had updated mine. I didn't realize it had been 8 months. That is 8 very lonely months to my blog. I must do better, I MUST do better.

To be honest, I've been unbelievably busy. I've said this before, but I have a "real" job. One that pays for my health insurance, car payment, two very rascally dogs, and my other hobby, running. I love this job (as I love making soap, which is why I do it) but it has also been very busy. This is a good thing and a bad thing. I feel very needed and valuable to a major organization, but I also haven't had as much time to devote to my soap. I'm hoping I have gotten to a point where I've learned how to balance this. Life is always a balancing act, sometimes, we fall off the tightrope, we just need to get back on. And make sure there's a net below. There always needs to be a net.

With that said, the other thing, as I mentioned above, that has been keeping me extremely busy is running. I decided to train for a half marathon. It's tiring, draining, frustration, painful at times, but most importantly, so very very rewarding. But I have a love/hate relationship with it. I sometimes hate it while I'm doing it, but love it when I'm not. I love competing with myself (I will NEVER be a world class runner) and collecting finisher medals. It means I did something for myself. I made it.

So that is what has kept my busy.

Something else has too. I've been working on a line extension for Inspiri. I am not ready to reveal it, it's still several months out from being where I want it to be, but I will say that my running has inspired it. There's still so much research, formulating, and testing that needs to be done, but I am very excited about the changes. And no worries, your favorite soaps (well, most of them) will still be available as well.

I just wanted to say hi, give an update, and let you  know that there will be new things to look forward to.

Until next time, stay inspired!

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